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Dog Vision Problems: Symptoms & Treatments

Dog Vision Problems: Symptoms & Treatments

Just like humans, dogs can lose their vision and struggle with their eyesight. Our Newtown vets provide some information on common reasons that could lead to your dog having vision problems, and how you can help them.

Your Dog's Vision

Your pup's eyes give clues to vital information about the state of their overall physical health. Serious conditions such as liver disease, diabetes, anemia, poisoning, head trauma, pain, auto-immune diseases, and cancer can all present indicators in the health of your dog's eyes. By spotting the symptoms of eye conditions early, your vet may be able to help your dog's eyes feel more comfortable, and possibly preserve or restore your dog's vision.

Signs of Vision Impairment

Whether it's due to aging or other health conditions, below are a few of the most common symptoms that suggest your dog may be losing their vision:

      • Cloudy appearance of the eye
      • Your dog is bumping into objects
      • Signs of anxiety or hesitation when in new places
      • If your dog seems confused, dazed, easily startled
      • Your dog is suddenly unwilling to go up or down stairs or jump onto furniture
      • Eyes are red, puffy, or swollen
      • Obvious eye irritation or pawing at the face


Visual impairments and blindness can occur in dogs due to aging, disease, injury, and hereditary conditions. Your dog's natural aging process can sometimes include vision loss, ranging from minor issues to complete blindness. That said, pet parents need to understand that occasionally blindness itself isn't the primary issue, but rather a symptom of an underlying condition, such as heart disease, kidney or liver disorders, or systemic diseases.

Common Vision Problems In Dogs

Dog Cataracts

  • Cataracts are easily spotted by pet parents. If your dog has progressed cataracts you may notice a cloudy appearance in your dog's eye. This condition stops light from fully reaching the retina and can lead to total blindness in dogs. In some cases, cataracts can be operated on which may prevent blindness, but early intervention is essential.

Dog Glaucoma

  • Glaucoma is a painful eye condition that feels similar to a migraine headache. Treatment is available for glaucoma however, the outcomes are best if the condition is diagnosed in its earliest stages. If your dog has yellow or green discharge from their eyes, dilated pupils, bloodshot eyes, or is slow to react to bright light, visit your vet as soon as possible. Left untreated this painful condition can lead to partial or complete blindness.

Diabetes in Dogs

  • There has been an increasing number of dogs suffering from diabetes. Dogs at a higher risk of becoming diabetic include older large breeds, breeding females, dogs that have poor nutrition, and obese dogs. 75% of dogs with diabetes are likely to develop cataracts which can result in full or partial blindness.

Sudden Acquired Retinal Degeneration Syndrome in Dogs

  • Sudden Acquired Retinal Degeneration Syndrome (SARDS) causes a deterioration of the retina, which leads to blindness in both of the dog's eyes. This syndrome develops very quickly in dogs and can result in total blindness in just a few days or weeks. Due to the sudden nature of this condition, dogs with SARDS can have a very difficult time adjusting to their visual impairment.

Progressive Retinal Atrophy

  • Progressive Retinal Atrophy (PRA), is a painless condition that results in the deterioration of the retina, potentially leading to blindness in both of the dog's eyes. PRA is an inherited condition that develops at a slower rate than SARDS, which can give your dog time to adjust to their loss of sight.

Treating Vision Problems

The conditions that cause vision loss for dogs will typically not clear up on their own. Early intervention is essential when it comes to helping your dog cope with their loss of vision, or to treat the condition and perhaps preserve your dog's eyesight.

In some cases, conditions that could lead to blindness may trigger other health issues, or your dog's blindness could turn out to be a symptom of a larger medical concern. Making an appointment with your vet for a full examination is the best way to prevent further complications and save your dog's sight.

Veterinary Ophthalmology at Newtown Veterinary Specialists

Our board-certified veterinary ophthalmologists uses a cutting-edge approach to your dog’s eye care. Because certain pet eye conditions can be reversed if they’re diagnosed in their early stages, we place a strong emphasis on the diagnostic portion of our ophthalmology services.

Some of the most common eye problems our ophthalmology specialists treat include:
  • Cataracts
  • Scratches / Abrasions
  • Drainage
  • Corneal Ulcers
  • Infections
  • Vision Loss
  • Tumors
  • Auto-Immune Conditions
  • Cataracts
  • Scratches / Abrasions
  • Drainage
  • Corneal Ulcers

Note: The advice provided in this post is intended for informational purposes and does not constitute medical advice regarding pets. Please make an appointment with your vet for an accurate diagnosis of your pet's condition.

If you think your dog is having vision issues and is struggling to see, contact our Newtown vets so they can examine your pup.

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